Enterpreneurship as a Halo-Halo

Last month, I was able to attend KUBO 24, a festival in Vienna that has been organized for the third time already and is probably one of the most interesting events for Halo-Halos like myself (a person of mixed background with Filipino-German roots). Since I happened to be in Europe around that time, I was looking forward to attend, and moreover, to speak as a panelist.

I happily accepted the invitation to join two panels, one of them focusing on entrepreneurship (you can find the full programme of KUBO 24 here). Since this has been one of my main topics in the past 10 years, I was grateful for the opportunity to share my experience as „global entrepreneur“ during the panel titled „Inspiring Stories of Global Filipino Entrepreneurial Success„.

During the panel „Inspiring Stories of Global Filipino Entrepreneurial Success“ at KUBO 24 in Vienna, Austria.

I believe that events like KUBO in Vienna are very important for people like me who grew up „between“ cultures, neither being „pure“ (whatever that means) German, Austrian or Swiss on the one hand, nor being pure „Filipino“ on the other hand. On vienna101.com you can find a great write-up about the event.

10 years entrepreneurship in the Philippines

Since 2013, I was able to make a lot of experiences, building a few companies in the Philippines, from sole proprietorship to partnership and limited corporations. There are many challenges you have to overcome, if you want to build businesses „from scratch“. I was always very fortunate to have a great team, including family, that would support me on this journey and keeps on being a great foundation for all entrepreneurial endeavours.

At the same time, there are new opportunities as well as tasks that require to go way beyond the known limits. This makes learning new things and building new meaningful relationships even more important than before. Not only during KUBO24, I was able to extend my network, but also by attending other events and meetings, some of them digital only.

However, this can’t really make up for networking in person and fostering deep connections in real life! Good entrepreneurship and business also means connecting to human beings, and this is also what I really appreciate about my work life: to be able to meet more and more interesting people, relate with them, and build something beautiful!

If you want to connect with me, then please do not hesitate to add me on LinkedIn, via Instagram or via e-mail to info[at]john-rueth.de.

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